Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Piano 101: How to Play the C Major Scale

I meant to post this yesterday. Below is my first "Piano 101" Youtube tutorial on how to play the C major scale on the piano. If you're still unfamiliar about the structure of the piano, check out my previous Music Theory 101: The Structure Of The Piano post.

I forgot to mention in the video that this is a tutorial on how to play a scale for one octave - on the piano, the distance between one C and the another C, whether it be above or below it, is equivalent to one octave, because there's a distance of eight white notes between them, including both C's - So in another tutorial I'll show you eventually how to play a scale for two octaves. Feel free to subscribe to my youtube page to stay updated :-)

While you're checking out my video below, check out this great artist group named Pat Hart And The Fly Kicks, and like their facebook page Here.

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