Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Zedd - "Stay the Night" (Piano Cover)

I was planning on doing Bruno Mars' "Treasure" this week but I didn't get around to recording it yet. I will do it next week. In the meantime, here's the video I planned to do for next week (I switched the two). I present to you, "Stay the Night" by Zedd! Be sure to check out some of my tabs above that talk more about who I am, my youtube videos/tutorials/piano covers, and the private Skype lessons I offer!

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Music Theory 101: (VIDEO) Notes on Treble and Bass Clef

This post is a follow up of the last post I did on the notes on the treble and bass clef. In the case of the piano, each note on each clef is assigned to a particular key. For example, when I mentioned "middle C" on my last blog between the two clefs, that note is assigned to the "C" that is closest to the middle of the piano. I decided to do a video to give you a visual example. Be sure to check out some of my tabs above that talk more about who I am, my youtube videos/tutorials/piano covers, and the private Skype lessons I offer!