Tuesday, December 17, 2013

How To Play a C Major Scale for Two Octaves on Piano

I was supposed to do a post last friday about the "accidentals" on piano (the "black keys"), so I'll merge that post with this one. Then you can jump below to watch my video tutorial on how to do a two-octave C Major scale on piano with each hand, then both hands (if you dare). If you aren't familiar with the piano, check out my post here that will help...

Take a quick look at the photo below:

Each accidental has two names, and I'll explain why (technically, even the white keys have two names, but that's another post). Each key, from a white key to the black key next to it, or from white to white key in cases of E to F and B to C, are one "half step" apart. From C to D, for example, would be two "half steps" apart, or one "whole step" (because there's a black key in between them). A black key that is a half step higher than the original white key next to it would be given the same name of that white key, but with a added "sharp" (the thing that looks like a pound/hashtag symbol). So, the black key that is a half step higher than C would be called C Sharp (C#), as shown above. Also, the black key that is a half step lower than the original white key next to it would be given that white key's same name but with an added "flat" (the symbol that looks like a lower cased "b"). So, since C# is also a half step lower than D, it's also called "D flat"... Thus, the two names for the same note.

The same rule goes for the other black keys that come afterwards.

Now that that's out of the way, below is the video that demonstrates a two-octave scale for C Major on piano. If you want to see the tutorial for one octave, you can find it on my youtube channel. Enjoy, and don't forget to subscribe to my channel to stay updated. Also check out my tabs above to learn more about who I am, private Skype piano lessons, etc :-)

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Bruno Mars - Gorilla (Piano Cover)

Since I love this song so much, I decided I would do a cover on it! Enjoy, and don't forget to subscribe to my channel to stay updated. Also check out my tabs above to learn more about who I am, private Skype piano lessons, etc :-)

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Piano Cover: Katy Perry - Unconditionally

I finally got around to doing another cover. I'm not the biggest fan of Katy Perry but this song really does something to me! So I decided to use it as my next cover. Sorry for the minor slips. I also wanted to let you guys know that I'll probably be doing more piano covers than anything else, and I'll only be putting up cover tutorials upon request. Enjoy, and don't forget to subscribe to my channel to stay updated. Also check out my tabs above to learn more about who I am, private Skype piano lessons, etc :-)